Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, day one

Oh boy! I'm hooked... I want to do senior project for the rest of my life. It's a pretty sweet deal, and i feel great! I spent the first part of the day, 8 to 10 am, with Patrice in Slocumb doing share day. Not very music oriented, but when it was over I headed to Bill's layer, (as people have named the unfinished basment jam space in the recording studio) and set up my "wrighting station"; A big book, a bunch of different pens and pencils. A mic stand to the side of that, a set of patch chords, and my martin guitar. I tinkerd with the P.A. a bit, and headed upstairs to do some recording with Bill. Went back down and played and sang for a few hours, working on a song I think I'm going to call "The Blues" or something.
then went to play practice.... ((for about 4 hours) and now I'm here...)

Marion Smith and I will be sharing the studio space, the dungeon of jazz and swing. And although our projects differ we get along well and I'd barley spoken to her before today so we chatted a bit, and Im happy that I have another senior project person who will be around to talk to about blogging and other... serious senior project stuff.

In my relaxed and happy state, I'm sitting down to inspiration of a different kind; potato chips and food network. meybe i'll write a song about it tomaro.

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