Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bad day... plain and simple. I was lazy, and stupid. Well, not really, more just frustrated. On Chris Johnson's orders I slept in one extra hour, and I believe that that must be what threw the day off kilter. When I woke up I laid in bed and watched some stage performances from my favorite artists I then went for a short walk, (mostly around campus) Trying to write a song in the style of the Timeless protest song, an art mastered by Bob Dylan and many other strong artists of the folk movement. We nee d a new protest song, none stand strong, none change the world like they did back then; "Imagine" John Lennon, " Subteranean Homesick Blues" Dylan

So an hour spent with a notebook, but alot of nothing.... I can't write a song unless I have music first!
that's what I decided so after an early lunch I went to a beutfull field to try and write a riff. I just couldn't come up with anything I liked... So the one day I was suposed to truley focus all my energy on writing, I got nothing, and now I'm screwed.

Miserable, Miserable, Miserable

well today I really can learn to sing the blues

The M.L.S.(my life sucks; dorm) Rude dorm parent, noisey tennagers, Rap music angry roomate, no clean laundry, eating burnt popcorn in the lousy common room watching ace of cakes, in these awfull neon lights which I'm not allowed to turn off; feeling like I am in a Prison and hating everything blues

goodnight moon


  1. That is just rude

  2. Hey, if I was sitting in dirty underwear watching "Ace of Cakes," I'd be lamenting too. Matt, the good thing about a bad day is that it ends. Hang in there. And I disagree with the comment that says this blog today is rude. It's real.

  3. no, it's totally rude, and completely unnecessary...
