Friday, May 28, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lot of great work today, I am very excited about the dropping of this album. tomorrow A little last minute editing and then I am printing the discs.
first things first I have to print all the going to do 30 i think
and then the rest are just going to be in little envalopes.

then I mix all the tracks
then bounce them, print the discs and I am done. bing bang boom.


oh recorded stray dogs/ as bad a city

O n the album cover I wrote it as, Stray dogs but I think I like the origional name better, I just don't know if I really have the need to change it
it will do

Monday, May 24, 2010


I am so tired still from all the work put into the play... and the day kind of flew by and I didn't get much done. I did manage to re-record Sing the blues but I still don't know how I feel about it. I printed tons of different pictures today but I didn't like any of them so I am going to do a drawing for the album cover. Very low budget looking, but very hip. Tonight, during study hall I am going to record why we fight with seth and maybe a sean hayes cover, just to test. Then... where going to go over all my songs thus far and re look at them and decide what they need. Tomorrow a lot of editing and mastering, and then Wednesday printing and assembling for the show on thursday.

good night everyone
splitting head ache, no rest for the weary

Weekly Reflection 2

This past week I really felt the back lash of my blogging. The harsh anonymous comments along with the not so anonymous beat down from my dear friend and advisor Eric Viandier, really put one home. As you wait in starched anticipation for the public dropping of my very brand spanking new album, "Kudzu" I can comfortably say that it's going to be pretty sweet, and I am very excited for the final outcome of this whole shebang. This past week has been exceptionally fun on many levels, but I am completely egzzzhaussted... after effects from hell week of course.

The song that I wrote this week, called, "This is Why we Fight" Shows promise to be a great song, I have yet to record it, I am just worried as to how it will sound on recording. I worked a lot on "Mon Amie la Rose" but after all I don't think I am going to put it on, because it just doesn't seem to some to life in my hands.

I spent a large portion of the week working on a song called "La Valse D'Infidele" It is an instrumental piece featuring accordion. Which I like a lot I Believe it is actually my favorite song of the album so far. I also did some photo room work this week, and have pretty much chosen what my album cover is going to be, which is great.

Even though this was a very tiring week and a very stressfull one at times, the over all feel was alot smoother and I'm looking forward to the nest few days where I have a lot of workin' to do.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today is

I am... Obliterated
I have nothing left to give.
The play is over, and I'm so relieved, but also very sad.
My time sheet is, very late, but that is because I was so busy I didn't have time to Breathe and I am not going to post a weekly reflection today, sadly, I am to tired to write one, and Shauna and I discussed this fact, and we are going to meet tomorrow to go over everything
I have a big last few days
I got to get that album finished!

Tomaro... (oh yeah, that's right)
I'm gunna do some mad work, yo
(dictionaries are more like guidelines anyway)

oh and by the way Cape Cod, "Robust Russet"... not impressed
"what does that have anything to do with music"
you may be asking yourself.
well it doesn't, is my reply.

Tomorrow My schedule looks like this:
Go talk to Bill bright and early and fill out SLASH turn in my time sheet
... go downstairs and do some practice
go upstairs and do some recording/ editing
eat some stuff
and then go find Turbull and write me some weekly reflection
then go print my album cover and bring it to Jim Cox (if I have time)
and then meybe work on formatting the cover a little bit

It is so weird that I don't have the play anymore
I have a life
and I don't know what to do with it.

good night everybody

Friday, May 21, 2010

Short Blog
Today was nice
I hope you all enjoyed the play


Not a daily blog, just an aside

So I was havin' some trouble getting to bed last night,
my mind kept churning over Folk Music
So I decided to do an Interim Blog, which I guess wont count for yesterday or today
since it doesn't have much to do with my project, I'm just sharing a long winded train of thought.

so Folk Music
Who is it
What is it,

Well before I tackled anything major like that
I had to figure out, like, who Was it
and so
These are my "who was it"; guys,

The classics;
Robert Johnson
Bob Dylan
Townes Van Zandt.
The Beatles
James Taylor
Crosby Stills Nash and Young

and I thought about some roots too;
you know
old Appalachia folk
Old Country
Slave Spirituals,
The Delta Blues
Story Telling
Romantic, Victorian, Contemporary ect. Poetry

then I sort of put it together, with this travelin,
"Crossroads", mentality. You know your good old Walkin Shoes way;
If it doesn't work out here just keep moving on.
Bohemian Life Style
Vagabond Life Style
Gypsy life style
then I thought...

I mean Flamenco is just about as folk as you get when you think about it
Get your buddies together in the park, after midnight, bring a guitar and clap along if you know it.
So now all of the above, was "Folk" and most if not all of it still lives on today.

That was good, so I began thinking about some more Contemporary Folk

these are some contemporary Folk Artists that came to mind.
Sean Hayes,
Brett Dennon
Bon Iver,
Bright Eyes
Animal Collective
Nina Violet,
The Shins
Kimya Dawson
Willy Mason,
Devendra Banhart.


so then I got to thinking, well here we go, I have to get some where right?... So
what is Folk Music any way?
What makes a song a folk song, what makes an artist a folk artist.

what is folk music???

K Here goes....

it's music for folk.......(some would say; yeah for folk who can't read real music, (which I guess in a sense is true))

but theres more to it then that
It's for people, by people

I mean it's picking up a banjo, hiting two sticks together, claping along,
there aint no secret language to it

There's no Julliard, or years of training at a prestigious "Academy of Folk"
There's no P.H.D. in Protest Songs, or drop thumb finger picking
there's no Plane Tickets, or Fancy Cars
there's no Disney Contracts, and definitely no purity rings.

It's Hitchiking, heart breaking, being rich, being poor, Cheating, Running, Walking, Wandering,
It's about old guitars, cat's puke, Love, Tin Cans, bag pipes, Pain, Porches, Boots, Depression, and Corn Bread.

"Carmen" the opera Can not be done justice, on a porch at sunrise in Rural Texas.

It's raw, It's real, It's Folk Music

(I really got no where didn't I)
oh well.
bed time.